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Terms of use

Terms of use are as stated in our global terms of use, with the following additional clauses.

Invoices and payments

You will recieve invoices to your account’s email address. All accounts must have a valid payment method. Please keep your payment method up to date. If any payment fails, your account will be put on hold until the invoice is settled.

API invoices are generated at the start of every period. Any units used over your plan’s allowance will be charged at the end of the period.


All plans come with a credit allowance. Once the included allowance is used, you will be charged for additional credits. Credits do not roll over to the next period.

The formula for calculating credits is visualised as a graph on the plans page. We update the formula from time to time based on calculation performance of the current algorithms.

You can view your current credit usage in your account, and each API result includes the credit usage.

Fair use of test accounts

Please don’t abuse our free service, and do not create multiple accounts to get more free API calls. If you need more calls for testing purposes, just get in touch. We may remove duplicate accounts without notice.

All of the code used is copyright protected, please don’t attempt to copy or reverse engineer.

Do not compete with us

You are welcome to use the API for most purposes, but you may not resell access to the API or create a website / app which directly competes with one of our properties. We may withdraw access to the API in this case.

Multiple properties

You may not use a single subscription to the API for multiple properties (e.g. several website domains). Please purchase a plan per property or get in touch to disucss a custom plan.


If you’re using our embedded checkout or the WordPress plugin you must not hide the ‘Powered by SmartCut’ credit. This is how we’re able to provide the plugin at no cost.


We provide support via email and live chat. This may be limited for users without a paid subscription.

Get in touch

Any questions or concerns, please contact hello@cutrevolution.com.